Resources |
Clinical TrialsThe Pancreatic Cancer Alliance is underwriting (thanks to your donations) a dedicated clinical trials program UMass (click for active clinical trials in pancreatic cancer at UMass) and to support research through UMass's participation in the international Pancreatic Cancer Research Team
In addition to the excellent database at, here are other sources of information on clinical trials for pancreatic cancer: is run by the National Institutes of Health and is intended to "provides regularly updated information about federally and privately supported clinical research in human volunteers." is offered by a Boston publishing company that follows the "clinical trials industry" and claims to have information on "41,000 active industry and government-sponsored clinical trials, as well as new drug therapies in research and those recently approved by the FDA." |
Genetic Research StudiesJefferson Pancreas Cancer Tumor Registry (JPTR) at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, is part of a research study to help define inherited risk factors, environmental exposures, and occupational factors that lead to the development of pancreatic cancer. Participants are asked to complete a questionnaire and may be asked to submit a blood sample. Individuals eligible for enrollment include:
Research has shown that approximately 5-10% of all pancreatic cancers are due to a familial tendency. To join the registry the investigators ask that your family complete a brief questionnaire regarding your family's cancer history. In selected cases they will request that a small amount of blood (4 tablespoons) be sent for research studies. If you would like to request a questionnaire to complete and register your family with the NFPTR, please click here. |
Find SupportPancreatic Cancer Action Network
The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network provides one-to-one patient support for education, information, and counseling. Pancreatic Cancer Support List, the Association of Cancer Online Resources, provides a number of support group email lists. The pancreatic cancer list is a deep resource of information on the challenges of the disease. A true community, caregivers on the list remain to help those newly diagnosed long after their battles have ended. Hope & Survivors Read this often. The Median Isn't the Message, by Stephen Jay Gould, is described by Steve Dunn, creator of the Cancer Guide web site, as "the wisest, most humane thing ever written about cancer and statistics. It is the antidote both to those who say that, 'the statistics don't matter,' and to those who have the unfortunate habit of pronouncing death sentences on patients who face a difficult prognosis. Anyone who researches the medical literature will confront the statistics for their disease. Anyone who reads this will be armed with reason and with hope." Survivor profiles: The web site of M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston features a page of profiles of pancreatic cancer survivors. Here's the link. According to the site, information and photos on the page are posted with the permission of each individual and it is not a complete list of all pancreatic cancer survivors at M. D. Anderson. Patterns of Hope: The Survivor Stories from offers compelling interviews with long-term survivors. "They do exist - and often thrive. And their stories are important beacons of hope for others confronting this serious foe." People Living with Cancer People Living With Cancer, the patient information website of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), is designed to help patients and families make informed health-care decisions. |
FoundationsThe Lustgarten Foundation was created to advance the scientific and medical research related to the diagnosis, treatment, cure and prevention of pancreatic cancer. The Lustgarten Foundation, in cooperation with Robert Michael Educational Institute, LLC, with support from Eli Lilly and Company, have collaborated to distribute an excellent handbook, Understanding Pancreatic Cancer: A Guide for Patients and Caregivers, for pancreatic cancer patients and their families. It is availablefree, both as download or in book form.
Resources on the WebPancreatic Cancer Action Network is the home to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, a patient advocacy organization that serves the pancreatic cancer community. PanCAN has worked to establish November as Pancreatic Cancer Month and offers patient support services via a toll free number and through its website. Here's a link to Massachusetts fund-raising events. offers a wealth of information about pancreatic cancer, as well as hosting the world's largest database of clinical trials against pancreatic cancer. |